Thursday, August 4, 2011

Departure to Camp

From Buz:
General Schedule:
Thursday afternoon we will warm-up, do drills, circuits, core, and then finish up in the swimming pool. If we have any non-swimmers please be sure to let me know.
The meal schedule daily is 8:30am breakfast, 12:30pm lunch, and 6:30pm dinner. There is a country store (Syria Mercantile Market) across the street if you want to bring a small amount of money to buy snacks or drinks ( smoked skunk tails which are like beef jerkey), etc.
Thursday night we will have a boys team mtg. and Alec will have a chance to speak to you all.
Friday morning we will run before breakfast.... have a video session in the morning, Hike to White Oak Canyon, goal setting session in the afternoon, dinnerand then SKIT PRACTICE  and Talent Show practice . All NEWBIES (1st time at Camp...which would include Ryan Thomas, etc) are REQUIRED TO CREATE A REALLY FUNNY SKIT on Saturday night. We will also have a talent show on Saturday night.
Saturday morning we will get up REALLY EARLY (like 5am) and drive to Hoover Camp for the 6 mile uphill challenge (12 mi. total up and back) along the Rapidan River.
Back by 9:30am for breakfast, nap time, Lunch, team session, pool workout, dinner , ice cream treat, Campfire,Talent show, skit, and team session.
Sunday we will clean our dorms before breakfast, leave after Breakfast to Hike OLD RAG Mtn. , return for Sunday Lunch and then depart for  home.

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