Monday, August 15, 2011

Good Quote on Bad Days

Courtesy of the Let's Run Website (link on the sidebar), from Nate Jenkins:
"As to Sunday's workout I don't have much to say other then it was s*** and I was pissed. You have a go like that during a stretch of dull unimpressive training like I've been doing, particularly coming back and it's very frustrating. Makes you feel like you want to quit. I hesitate to write that because I don't want 50 comments saying don't quit, etc. But I think it is important for people to hear that we all get down and want to pack it in. I wanted to quit many times in HS and college, just wanted to walk away. I wasn't nearly as good as I thought I should be, I was regularly beaten by guys I knew I was working harder than and then in college I was hurt all the time. On top of that other peoples success always seems so easy from the outside. It seems they never struggled and you should just walk away. Now I'm no world beater and I've not accomplished all my goals but as someone who could have easily walked away a thousand times and no one would have thought anything of it I can tell you, even if I never run 1 second faster in anything, that it is HARD, we ALL have bad days, we ALL get frustrated and IF you just keep picking yourself up and dusting yourself off and getting back at it you will reap the rewards. Maybe not the exact ones you want but rewards all the same."

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