Sunday, October 16, 2011

Milestat Invite Summary

At Pocahontus State Park Saturday, the AHS boys once again proved they belong in the upper tier of Virginia high school cross country rankings. The Varsity and JV teams both placed second in very competitive fields. The Varsity lost to District rival Stafford by 23 points, in a 25 team field. The JV yielded to Blacksburg, a perennial top program in AA, who ran close to fifty young men in the race.
The Varsity squad was again led by senior Adam Visokay, quickly followed by Chris Springer, Ben Deal and Ryan Thomas, all of which finished in the top twenty. Junior Joe Krohn tallied the final scoring points, while Will Hunt and Aaron Elder were pushers in the 6-7 spots.
The Junior Varsity was led by freshman David Kwiatkowski, tying his PR at 17:37. He was followed by scoring teammates Jake Brooks, Zach Gentry, Guillaume Bailey, and Captain Zach Coffman. The 6-7 pushers in this race were Alex Levine, who recovered from a starting line fall, and Nat Pfund.
Numerous PRs and SBs were made during this meet, on a very fast course.

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